Tuesday, January 7, 2014

King of the Castle

Now that the windchill is down to zero degrees, mom stole all the blankets to stay warm and she cast off all the "decorative" pillows. Which means I get a pretty sweet pillow-fort to lay on. Mom said something about the prince and the pea, whatever that means.

In case some of you puppy-kindergarten-drop-outs can't count, that's six pillows under me. And that makes me higher than the back of the couch where Grouchicus usually naps, so I win.

The one downside is I wanted to play during all my potty breaks with positive windchills, so now I need to poop. I don't think mom is going out before morning.

Stay warm fur-less fwiends. Doggy buddies: use the potty when given the chance. And go fast so you and your human can come in and warm your paws.

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